“We believe that investing is for the long term, and that consistent, steady returns are made by investing in high quality companies that will prove their worth over time.”
Investing in
What We Know
“Don’t Lose Money”. MTC’s priority is to preserve capital. At MTC, we place a strong emphasis on ensuring our downside is protected and that our capital is invested safely. We do this by investing only in what we know well, and staying away from those that we don’t. If we don’t know a company well enough, we will not invest, regardless of how seemingly attractive people claim it to be.
Investing Only
When it is a Bargain
Returns are made and capital loss is prevented by buying low. Finding a great company and knowing that it will generate strong profits going forward is one thing, but overpaying for it will often lead to a disastrous result. At MTC, we make sure we buy high quality companies at reasonable and cheap prices. By doing so, we minimise downside risk and benefit from upside potential, thereby creating an asymmetric risk/return payoff.
Investing with Patience &
Ignoring Fear & Greed
“Avoid the Herd”. The path to superior returns should not feel comfortable. To make money, you need to go against the crowd, and you have to be right. Having conviction in your investments while everyone else is telling you otherwise is the most difficult yet most important tenet of the three. At MTC, we pride ourselves with our skilled research and mental discipline, resulting in superior long term investment returns for our clients.